Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Karena Ini Adalah Kekawin

Sebenarnya komik ini kubuat untuk mengikuti lomba-entah-apa-namanya Mei lalu. Lupa nama itu lomba, haha. Dan tentu saja engga menang, saya ngga punya bakat untuk memenangkan lomba gambar dalam bentuk apapun, kecuali lomba menyanyi waktu kelas 2 SD dulu :D

Tapi kupikir, tema komik ini sesuai dengan peringatan Hari Guru Nasional hari ini, 25 November 2014. Tahun lalu saya memposting satu halaman tentang asal-muasal dua huruf pertama alfabet ('alpha' dan 'bayt' :D ), tahun ini tentang cerita nusantara dan metafora di balik cerita itu. Bila Kau seorang kutu buku yang gandrung dengan cerita atau dongeng nusantara, kupikir banyak yang bisa digali dari metafora yang tertuang dalamnya, seperti 'Negarakrtagama' dengan cerita diskusi para binatang hutan yang tempat tinggalnya dibakar oleh seorang raja :D ...

I made this comic and had this enlisted into a contest last May. I forgot its name, because I didn't win it. Apparently I don't have some kind of gift to win any drawing contests, except a singing contest about twenty years ago, haha...

I think this comic's theme fits the celebration of National Teacher's Day today, November, 25th. Indonesian teachers should be proud of this celebration and I think they're struggling their best to build better education for Indonesian children.

Last year, I posted about the origin of first-two-letters-of-alphabet ('alpha' and 'bayt'). This year is about our national tales and its metaphor. If you were a book reader or a book worm who has a keen eye for Indonesian fairy tales; kakahwin, if you will; I think there are a lot of things we can dig out from them. Negarakrtagama is one of them, with its story about the tale of animals, whose forest was being burnt out by a so-called rightful king of the realm that day.

Does it ring a bell to you?

PS: the language is in Indonesian

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Inktober Part 4

The 4th part consists of less steampunk theme and more fable combined with modern warfare environment.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Inktober Part 3

Yes, yes. These are today's batch. The third one.

Enjoy :)

Monday, 27 October 2014

Ngomik 24 Jam

October, 24th was the Hijriyah's new year's eve. Uh, nope. It was the day when thirty-something members of Forum Komik Jogja gathered and celebrated a day of comic-making at Jogja Digital Valley. Adapted from 24 Hours Comic Day, it encouraged all of participants to finish 12 pages minimum of comic-pages in 24 hours.
Well, though it was 'only' 12-pages-challenge, there were some participants who couldn't finish their job in time. Shame on you, guys LOL ... please, just kidding.

These pages are in Indonesian. Enjoy!

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Inktober Part 2

Second part is here. There are some steampunk tones in the drawings and more fable stories that influenced me this October.
Nevertheless, enjoy!

Saturday, 25 October 2014

The Inktober Part 1

Inktober is ongoing and I don't want to get left behind. Let me post some batches of my own this Inktober collections, 7-by-7 everyday.

Friday, 5 September 2014

A Farewell to A Friend

Another friend has died. He had a sudden heart attack.
It became awkward when I came to his house and could barely said something to his family.
I just stood still, stared at his body, and lulled some prayers. Then got off of there.
I do think there are some people in our high school days like me, just knew him a bit, perhaps only his height, or the way he walked down the hallway, or how his smoke and alcoholic stench filled the class room.

But hey, he once walked through in our days, didn't he?

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Animation Log #4

YAY! The color script for our short is done!
Well in fact, I don't really think it's finished. There are a lot of shots we need to tweak MORE and BETTER than that. But anyway, I think it's good enough for our short's progress this far and we always be ready for another shot crankin'.